Le chocolat est-il bon pour le reflux acide ?

Les chercheurs sont incapables de trouver le lien correct entre certains aliments, comme une barre de chocolat, et son effet sur le reflux acide. Cependant, si vous présentez des symptômes légers de reflux acide , les chercheurs, ainsi que les médecins, vous demandent de vous en éloigner pour éviter de transformer les signes en modérés ou graves.

Aussi appelé reflux gastro-œsophagien (RGO) , il se compose des acides produits dans l’estomac lors de la digestion pour refluer dans l’œsophage, qui relie la gorge et l’estomac. Comme il n’y a pas de revêtement ou de protection solide pour l’œsophage par rapport à celui de l’estomac, le contre-courant des acides entraîne une sensation de brûlure. L’action répétitive détruit l’œsophage, si elle est laissée sans surveillance au bon moment.

Les causes du reflux acide diffèrent d’un individu à l’autre. Cependant, c’est quelque chose qui ne nécessite pas de soins médicaux sérieux à moins que l’on suive un programme où l’on apporte des changements à l’alimentation et au mode de vie. Les occurrences des symptômes sont courantes pour un être humain. Cependant, lorsqu’ils se présentent plus de trois fois en une seule semaine et continuent de causer des problèmes, il est temps de décrocher le téléphone et de prendre rendez-vous avec le médecin.

The answer to the question has mixed responses. The reason is because several researchers have different findings, and they all have different views. Nonetheless, reducing the chocolate intake did help a person suffering from the signs of acid reflux. But, eliminating chocolate will not cure the problem of acid reflux, as the underlying agent for the occurrence of the ailment is entirely different.

In the case of chocolate, avoiding it is good for people who express moderate to severe symptoms of acid reflux. The reason, as we explained above, is helpful in putting a barrier to the acid reflux trigger factors. Most of the research was on the food’s that aggravated the pressure on the sphincter or excessive release of acids by the stomach to break down the food.

According to several physicians, consuming dark chocolate will be of some assistance in certain cases where a patient is displaying severe symptoms of acid reflux. Dark chocolate contains a chemical that is helpful in reducing the stress that the body experiences. It is useful for those who often report that stress is a symptom that is causing acid reflux. Nevertheless, there is no scientific evidence to the fact.

Eliminating Chocolate

Although chocolate, the darker one, is good for health when consumed in required quantity, it does have cons too! People with advanced signs of acid reflux will have to keep away from chocolate and all the by-products as it increases serotonin, which weakens the esophageal sphincter and allows the acids from the stomach to enter the esophagus.

Apart from keeping away from chocolate, a better way to treat acid reflux is by keeping away from alcohol, smoke, onions, tomatoes, fruits and vegetables containing citrus, and coffee.

Treatment for Acid Reflux

As explained, keeping away from the foods that are causing the symptoms is helpful. For those who express moderate and severe symptoms, it is time to visit a doctor to find the underlying cause for the acid reflux. Based on the symptoms and the tests carried out, the doctor will prescribe medications and changes to the diet. Following the same will be of immense help in curing acid reflux.

Ensure to follow a healthy diet and keep away from the foods that trigger the symptoms to keep acid reflux at bay at all times.

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