Comment réduire naturellement les symptômes du SPM ?

Toutes les femmes ne subissent pas le syndrome prémenstruel douloureux ou SPM qui consiste en la pire sensation de ballonnements et de crampes, la mauvaise humeur inhabituelle, l’irritabilité, la sensibilité dans différentes parties du corps qui frappent quelques jours avant le début de vos règles. On rapporte qu’environ 80 à 90 % des femmes présentent des symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel même au milieu de la quarantaine. Les femmes peuvent avoir un ou deux symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel ou peuvent avoir des symptômes combinés qui s’avèrent vraiment ennuyeux. Peu de médecins croient en l’administration de médicaments pour soulager les symptômes du SPM, mais ce n’est sûrement pas la bonne façon de guérir le SPM car cela pourrait rendre la situation plus inquiétante dans les prochains jours. Cependant, avec des changements de style de vie, vous pouvez réellement réduire l’inconfort du SPM naturellement.

Changez votre alimentation pour réduire naturellement les symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel

Vous devez modifier votre alimentation pour éviter les ballonnements, symptôme du syndrome prémenstruel. Réduire la caféine aide à prévenir l’anxiété et l’irritabilité du syndrome prémenstruel. Éviter la consommation d’alcool aide également à prévenir les sautes d’humeur et la dépression causées par le syndrome prémenstruel. Si vous voulez stabiliser votre humeur ainsi que votre glycémie, vous devez également éviter le sucre pour prévenir ces symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel. Vous devez également arrêter de manger de la malbouffe et consommer plus de fruits et de légumes, en particulier une semaine avant votre période prévue, qui correspond à l’heure du SPM.

Adoptez un nouveau style d’alimentation pour réduire naturellement les symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel

Now eating style is also important along with what you are eating to reduce PMS symptoms. You must aim at avoiding dips and spikes in your blood sugar to reduce PMS symptoms and it is actually worth transforming your diet right before moving to medicines for reducing PMS symptoms. Here is a short list of foods which you should be taking to avoid PMS symptoms:

  • According to studies and reports, women who consume plant based foods more often are less likely to undergo symptoms of PMS. Among the plant based diets, there are seeds, vegetables, nuts, fruits and herbs.
  • PMS is known to be cause GI disturbances, which is why it is really important to consume at least 30 g of fiber everyday to prevent these symptoms of PMS.
  • Green leafy vegetables are known to be having high diuretic effect, leafy vegetables are also one of the best sources of magnesium and calcium, these two minerals are best to decrease menstrual cramps.
  • Among the seeds, there are flaxseeds that help in promoting strong estrogen metabolism, which helps in reducing PMS symptoms.
  • Foods which are high in Omega-3 fats, such as Wild-caught fish help in reducing the throbbing pain and inflammation occurring as a result of PMS.
  • Avocado is really helpful in reducing bloating and maintaining balance due to its nutritional profile. Avocado is effective in maintaining the balance of magnesium, fat, fiber, and potassium helps in preventing PMS symptoms.

Foods to Avoid to Reduce PMS Symptoms Naturally

There are few others foods which every woman should be avoiding to reduce pain and other PMS symptoms. Foods which should be avoided to prevent PMS symptoms are:

  • Transfats and hydrogenated fats are known worsen PMS symptoms, you must avoid foods which have high amount of these fats.
  • There are foods consisting of food allergens which can directly affect the PMS symptoms. Food allergies can actually worsen the PMS symptoms.
  • Sugar is known to cause fluctuations in the blood sugar and thus worsens the mood swings which lead to excruciating headaches and difficulty in concentrating. Sugar is also known to deplete the critical minerals of the body and worsen the PMS symptoms. Just like sugar, salt also worsens PMS symptoms by increasing water retention and increasing pain during a woman’s periods. So a diet rich in sodium should be avoided during the PMS period.
  • Next comes caffeine, which also exacerbates and worsens the PMS symptoms as caffeine encourages anxiety and depression along with leading to development of uneasy breast tenderness.

Working Out Is Also Effective in Reducing PMS Symptoms Naturally

Reports confirm that women who have sedentary lifestyles are more prone to experiencing PMS symptoms than those women who lead an active lifestyle. Even when women are reporting feeling loss of energy or feeling fatigued for long time, they should be working out for sure as mild exercise helps in reducing pain and tenderness which are a part of PMS symptoms. Few minutes of dynamic aerobic movement or brisk walking will surely help you get rid of your PMS symptoms. These exercises are not meant for only muscle strengthening, but to reduce pain as well, so starting them few days before period would certainly help you for sure.

Vitamins are a Sure Cure for Reducing PMS Symptoms Naturally

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E are two vitamins recommended by expert obstetrics and gynecologists along with them Calcium, Magnesium, which should be consumed a week before periods to reduce PMS symptoms.

Herbal Remedies for Reducing PMS Symptoms Naturally

There are some herbal remedies, which help in relieving PMS symptoms which help in reducing cramping and mood swings. Some of the herbal remedies consist of dandelion, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, chasteberry, ginger, raspberry leaf or natural progesterone creams. These items play role as best supplements; however, you should know which of these herbal remedies to take and when.

Stress Management is Essential for Reducing PMS Symptoms Naturally

You need to make sure that you are getting sufficient rest and ample sleep. You should never invite stress in your life as stress worsens your PMS symptoms. You must try to have as much catnap as possible to decrease your PMS symptoms. You should also concentrate on reducing your stress levels and for that you need to get practice deep breathing, meditation, yoga and relaxing massage. When your body and mind work in proper coordination, PMS symptoms will surely go down. You can even go for partying etc. in your PMS period by relieving your stress.

Charting Your PMS Symptoms

Vous devez tracer vos symptômes du SPM consécutivement pendant quelques mois pour comprendre le cycle, par exemple quand vous êtes susceptible de souffrir du SPM. Il y a des femmes susceptibles de faire face à un syndrome prémenstruel débilitant, ces symptômes incluent à la fois des symptômes physiques et émotionnels. Il existe différents symptômes et différentes options de traitement pour soulager les symptômes.

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